Kalyani Developers

Step into Kalyani Developers' new construction in Bangalore, and prepare to be transported. No passport required, just close your eyes and inhale the vibrant energy of La Rambla, Barcelona's iconic street, pulsating right here in your coffee cup.

The Outcome

This wasn't just an illustration design project; it was a collaborative journey through Barcelona's soul. We started with Kalyani's vision of La Rambla's infectious energy and translated it into a visual feast. Sketches danced onto walls, morphing into vibrant, larger-than-life murals bursting with character.

Architecture took center stage. Wrought-iron balconies cascaded down walls, while mosaic-tiled patterns danced underfoot. Every detail, from the charming flower vendor nestled in a corner to the strolling musicians serenading patrons, whispered La Rambla's story.

But La Rambla's magic lies in its people. We brought them to life with whimsical illustrations that winked from every corner. Acrobats pirouetted on lampposts, flamenco dancers twirled amidst tables, and friendly faces peered out from hidden alcoves. Each brushstroke captured the spirit of the street, inviting guests to become part of the vibrant tapestry.